Over the past century there has been one undeniable trend working against gun rights. Put simply, as time goes on, it's harder for a law abiding citizen to own and use a firearm, largely due to the proliferation of state and federal gun laws. A hundred years ago, one could own pretty much any firearm without restriction, and buy a firearm without even a background check (though of course one could argue that a few of these laws might be a good idea). Now, it's a heavily regulated industry.
And sure, there have been some victories for the Second Amendment. A few decades ago there were only a handful of states where it was fairly easy to attain a concealed carry permit, and even many deeply conservative states didn't issue these permits at all. Now that situation has completely reversed, and continues to improve. However, when you look at gun rights on a long enough timeline, it's obvious that the Second Amendment has lost more than it has won, as state and federal laws have chipped away at our rights little by little.
Fortunately there is a new piece of legislation that could significantly roll back the worst of these laws on the state level
Some classic state examples could include -- CA, NJ, NY, MD, HI - all failing to properly honor the Second Amendment and frequently infringing same with impunity. Much as we might (justifiably) take issue with many federal laws that infringe on the 2A, the last thing needed is a state deciding itself to make up its own extra restrictive 'gun control' laws.
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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
12500 NE 10th Pl.
Bellevue, WA 98005 USA
"America's most aggressive defender of civil rights"
We make the NRA look like moderates