It's safe to say that CBS and other mainstream media organizations aren't precisely friends of the Second Amendment. A recent story about gun violence in Chicago appears to keep up that trend when it's announced, "The problem we heard -- and saw -- over and over again, was guns."
The firearm enthusiast community would be easily forgiven for simply rolling their eyes at the post and not thinking anything of it. After all, a mainstream media story blaming guns for violence? That only happens on days that end in the letter "Y", right?
In the midst of the standard fear mongering about guns, however, CBS accidentally exposes a truth that they might not have intended to.
There we have it -- as any law abiding gun owner knows -- criminals have their own sources for firearms. They always have had and always will have. It's a constant and frustrating fact that anti-gun proponents never seem to differentiate between legal guns and illegal -- guns are all dumped in the same category and the media is regularly to blame for helping maintain this skewed distortion. Perhaps just for once here - the media has almost inadvertently acknowledged the fact that armed criminals are by definition, illegal gun owners!
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