Stanford professor John J. Donohue released a research paper claiming that Right to Carry legislation is increasing violent crime.
Oregon is a shall issue ("right-to-carry") state and the CPRC shows that the percentage of Oregon "permit holders who were convicted of any type of felony, violent or nonviolent" in 2016 was .0074 percent. Moreover, the CPRC stresses that "these cases are unlikely to involve firearms."
Additionally, Oklahoma is a shall-issue state and the percentage of permit holders convicted of a felony in 2016 was .0071 percent, in 2015 it was .0062 percent, in 2014 it was .0069 percent and in 2013 it was .0078 percent. Minnesota is also a shall-issue state, and the percentage of concealed permit holders convicted of assault in 2016 was .000 percent, the percentage convicted in 2015 was .000 percent and the percentage in 2014 was .000 percent. And the list goes on.
The point is simply that the information on "right-to-carry permit holders" is extant and available (CPRC found it). And without it, a study on the dangers of "right-to-carry" laws seems to be a bridge too far.
As CPRC's John Lott commented:
It is and has been all too easy for the gun-hating left to label legal permit holders (no permit should even be necessary) as a major cause of increasing 'gun violence'. In fact there is more than enough evidence to support the fact that quite the opposite is true.... to the extent that the expression "guns save lives" is more than valid.
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