Kate Ranta was an Everytown Survival Fellow. She'd survived a gunshot wound inflicted by her then husband, and so she'd made it her personal crusade to rid the world of guns. Now, she's blasting the organization she'd spent so much time and effort with.
Because Everytown for Gun Safety is a sponsor of the Fraternal Order of Police conference:
The gun violence prevention movement was thrown into utter turmoil this week after survivors and advocates learned that Everytown for Gun Safety has sponsored the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) conference for two out of the past three years (2015 and 2017). Everytown volunteers like me are now leaving the organization in droves, disgusted that our leadership would partner with an organization that has been a steadfast ally of the National Rifle Association and defender of racially-motivated police brutality. For too long, gun control groups like Everytown have implemented top-down organizational models that treat gun violence prevention advocates like servants and gun violence survivors like fundraising fodder, giving us little or no say in our own advocacy. That must end now.
See that? Note how she equates the NRA with "racially-motivated" brutality?
The mindset of Everytown people is for the most part geared towards getting rid of all guns, which is in itself both anti Second Amendment as well as totally naive. Further to that, there is sometimes the almost predictable accent on leftist labels such as ''racist'' - directed towards almost anyone who remotely supports or sponsors gun ownership. This closed-minded attitude is something we will have to continue to be well aware of.
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