Anti-gun leftists have screamed and moaned about the idea of law-abiding concealed carry license holders being able to take their lawfully owned firearms onto college campuses. They routinely act like anyone with a gun is going to snap at any moment.
Of course, this isn't new. After every new repeal of some anti-gun regulation, we hear the old "the streets will run red with blood" arguments, and yet they never seem to pan out that way, do they?
But campus carry is different, they say. These are kids, so there are all kinds of new problems that will make the streets run red with blood.
Well, we're in luck. Texas has now had campus carry for a year, and how many problems have they had? None.
This certainly helps dispel what the gun grabbers keep preaching, which is that more guns lead to more crime. This is plainly not the case, but it's unlikely they will cease their protestations. Another favorite of theirs is the response to concealed carry - "there will be blood in the streets", but the only blood to be seen is from gangs and criminals. While some ''gun-free-zones'' have been eliminated, they only represent a way too small portion and many more need to be gone.
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