I'm going to start with an inconvenient truth: A good guy with a gun would not have been able to make a difference in the Las Vegas shooting. But that's ok. Sometimes when a crash is bad enough a seat belt won't be able to save your life. Does that mean we stop wearing seat belts?
I've looked over the schematics of Mandalay Bay. Where the shooter was, where his targets were and unfortunately, even if the concert venue wasn't a gun free zone there was next to nothing that a few armed law abiding citizens could have done to stop what happened.
The shooter was 350 meters away, elevated another 300 feet in the sky, shadowed by a darkened room.
The Vegas event was almost unique with regard to anything being possible to mitigate it, even if there were plenty of legally armed people on hand - this is a given. However, despite this, the left and 'celebrities' just pile on regardless spewing their calls for more ''gun control'' that could infringe on millions of lawful gun owners.
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