
The Culture War of Gun Control

By Daniel Greenfield. October 8th, 2017
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After Vegas, the gun control memes and myths come out. It doesn't matter how wrong they are, they will echo in the mediasphere and then the talking points will leak into everyday conversations.

“Guns are uniquely lethal.”

Last year, a Muslim terrorist with a truck killed 86 people and wounded another 458.

Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, the Tunisian Muslim killer, had brought along a gun, but it proved largely ineffective. The deadliest weapon of the delivery driver was a truck. Mohammed, who was no genius, used it to kill more people than Stephen Paddock would with all his meticulous planning in Vegas.

Do we need truck control?

Deadlier than the truck is the jet plane. Nearly 3,000 people were killed on September 11 by terrorists with a plan and some box cutters. And then there are always the bombs.

The Boston Marathon bomber wounded 264, a suicide bomber at the Manchester Arena last year wounded 250 and the Oklahoma City Bombing (the only non-Islamic terror attack on the list) killed 168 and wounded 680. Paddock was also stockpiling explosive compounds. If he hadn’t been able to get his hands on firearms, he would have deployed bombs. And potentially killed even more people. .......

We continue to see the left as usual droning on about the "national gun culture" and "white privelage", as well as Obama's famous "clinging to their bibles and guns". Add to all this the fact that the majority of antis always go on about "common sense gun control", and get their uneducated facts amplified by the main steam media - which for the most part is hardly 'gun friendly'. As Daniel mentions - "Gun control isn't a policy. It's a moral panic".

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