Personal defense is one of the most popular reasons many people own a firearm. Even many competition shooters got started out of a desire to protect themselves and their families.
One of the groups that seem most opposed to this idea, however, are feminists. Yet, should they?
Katie Pavlich, speaking for Prager U, argues that gun rights are actually women's rights.
Katie makes some excellent points. Particularly about how women are generally unable to fend off an attacker with brute force. It's alarming that the simple fact that, on average, men are stronger than women is considered controversial. Even looking at elite weightlifters of similar bodyweight should clearly show that men are stronger than one another.
Despite potential controversy over gender biological differences when it comes to strength etc, there is little doubt that overall women can be more at risk from attack. Many criminals instinctively will regard women as an easier target, in particular when it comes to choosing a potential rape victim and they probably also do not expect any armed resistance. Sensible and lawful concealed carry should be encouraged across the gender spectrum but ladies should certainly give it serious consideration.
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