Steven Crowder is one of the more interesting personalities on YouTube, mostly because he's funny while also providing some pretty smart commentary. He recently tried something new. He set up a table at Texas University and challenged students to change his mind. In the process, he challenges their points of view.
Check it out:
Oh, let's see, a trans woman who believes that there is a police brutality problem in this country, but then only wants the police to be walking around armed all the time. Of course, she also believes the police have a legal responsibility to protect people. (Narrator voice: They don't.)
The outcome of the various exchanges tends to support the notion that many people are ill informed about firearms and self defense in general. Without the amount of disinformation handed out by groups such as "Everytown", and much of the media, there could be a public significantly more informed and better able to make up their minds based on truth rather than fiction.
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