In the presidential listening session where students expressed their emotions to President Donald Trump, about the Parkland school mass murder, one of the students made a comment about school murders and Australia. Sam Zeif in video from the presidential listening session, February 21, 2018:
In Australia there was a shooting at a school in 1999.
I am reminded of the scene from Animal House, where Bluto exclaims:
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
and a listener replies "Forget it, he's rolling."
But Zeif has much more wrong than Bluto did about Pearl Harbor.
Australia did not have any rampage school murders before 1996, when they implemented their extreme gun ownership and use scheme.
More gun restrictions provide no guarantee against mass murder - the biggest factors that seem to have emerged over the last three or so decades include societal, mental conditions and even possibly the increased use of anti-depressive drugs (and withdrawal from same) - not forgetting "copycat" episodes. Leave law abiding people alone who deserve no penalties - but there must be better efforts to spot potentially dangerous people, and also 'harden' places of learning and even churches as well. 'Gun-free-zones' must be abolished.
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