Alan Korwin, visit his website
Calls to outlaw guns, gun possession, accessories and similar wild-eyed notions now percolating through a portion of our youth and culture are… illegal.
So called “news” media, involved in whipping up the public and unsuspecting youngsters into a frenzy to ban gun types, gun parts, all guns, and places where people can have guns for all legal purposes – like defense against murderers – are an affront to our society and our Constitution. When did teachers lose their right to keep and bear arms exactly? The guarantees of The U.S. Bill of Rights can just be… lost?
People are saying the horrific events of the recent past could never have happened if our rights weren’t somehow squelched in the first place.
Unless you decide to give up on the rule of law, and simply enact anything by mob rule, guns can’t simply be banned, as television is campaigning for. People could begin a new country based on utopian socialist rule with no leadership, no charter, and the will of the people simply expressed day-to-day by vote, that’s conceivable. But America cannot legitimately ban guns already in the public’s hands by passing laws, to appease loud children.
We get that the kids are scared, and should be, they’ve been let down. That doesn’t erase the rule of law.
"Banning guns already in the public's hands is infringement. Attempting to take an infringed item is aggravated infringement. Attempting to take an infringed item is where chilling phrases like, "Bullets first!" and "From my cold dead fingers!" arise. This country does not want to go there. Someone tell the kids."
"You don't have to be Jewish to fight by our side."
You just have to love freedom.
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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
12500 NE 10th Pl.
Bellevue, WA 98005 USA
"America's most aggressive defender of civil rights"
We make the NRA look like moderates