April 12 is Holocaust Remembrance Day, also known as Yom Ha-Shoah. The day is marked by ceremonies in Israel and across the world, which are attended by members of Jewish organizations and a few non-Jews. In fact, except in Israel, the day is largely ignored.
Still, one must admit that there are various ways to observe such a holiday. Some grieve for the six million Jews (including one million children) who were exterminated by the Nazis and their helpers, and resolve to do whatever they can to assure that it never happens again. Others rejoice at the memory of the Holocaust, and resolve to do whatever they can to assure that it does happen again ? as soon as possible. Whether there are more rejoicers or grievers in the world is a question I leave for your consideration.
JPFO Founder Aaron Zelman believed in "Never Again. Always Armed."
Coincidentally, this week marks "Genocide Awareness Week," featuring commemorative events worldwide. One may wonder how many will be promoting the preservation of firearms ownership, maintaining the balance of power that keeps people free (and why America is still free).
Be sure to visit the JPFO Genocide Chart.
"You don't have to be Jewish to fight by our side."
You just have to love freedom.
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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
12500 NE 10th Pl.
Bellevue, WA 98005 USA
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