On May 8th, 2018, Hernando County Commissioners will consider restoring County workers ability to exercise their Second Amendment rights while on the job. A current County policy prevents them from carrying firearms without fear of disciplinary action. County Commission Chairman Steve Champion has indicated that county workers should not have to chose between their right to self defense and the potential loss of their job. From abcactionnews.com:
HERNANDO COUNTY Fla. --- Starting next week, Hernando County workers who have a concealed carry permit may soon be allowed to carry their guns to work.
"They should have a right to defend," said Hernando County Commission Chairman Steve Champion.
Champion also owns American Gun and Pawn.
"Hernando County is a pro second amendment county and I'm pro second amendment," he said.
This is a welcome example of how county and government workers should be allowed to excercise their Second Amendment rights to carry when at work. It does stipulate the requirement for only permit holders to be elligible - however, permits should not even have be required to carry. It's long past time when recognition of law abiding people's right to self defense on a much broader basis should be acknowledged, and so help reduce 'gun-free-zones' as well as potential victims.
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