The National Instant background Check System, NICS continues to record near record numbers for July of 2018. During the 2016 election cycle, the fear of a Hillary Clinton presidency pushed gun sales and, correspondingly, NICS background checks to an all time record high.
Many people thought the sales and NICS checks would tumble once President Trump was elected. But sales and NICS only fell back a small amount. 2017 was the second highest year on record for NICS checks.
Over half way through 2018, the 2018 NICS checks are trending higher than those in 2017. The July, 2018 NICS checks were 1,835,318. In 2017, at the end of July, the NICS checks to date were 14,343,658. In 2018, at the end of July, the NICS checks were 15,128,636.
In the all time record set in 2016, the NICS checks at the end of July were 16,026,660. The 2018 number is 94% of record 2016 number, and the second highest for the period.
These near record NICS checks do not necessarily reflect near record gun sales.
NICS checks and carry permits should not even be required, considering that criminals predictably go around such 2A infringements and just the law-abiding have to be burdened with such impositions on their rights.
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