Bay Area Closures Point to National
Vulnerability on Guns and Ammo

By David Codrea. March 19, 2020

( - "Bay Area orders 'shelter in place,' only essential businesses open in 6 counties," the San Francisco Chronicle reported Monday. "Businesses that do not provide 'essential' services must send workers home. Among those remaining open are grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants for delivery only and hardware stores."

What about gun stores? If we're talking that which is essential, what is it the Founders deemed "necessary to the security of a free State"? How is that not relevant in this situation that has developed into what we are being told is a national and global state of emergency? We've already seen government has been utterly incapable of protecting the populace, and it appears things are only going to get worse and resources more strained. What do we do if civil order collapses, those resources are triaged and most areas are essentially left to fend for themselves?

I sent a copy of the City and County of San Francisco order to a prominent name in the "gun rights" movement with resources to file legal actions and was essentially dismissed when he replied, "since there are no gun stores left in San Francisco it is of no consequence." .....

"While some will no doubt conclude Bay Area constituents are getting just what they voted for, good and hard, we have no real assurances that the same ordered closures will not happen at the national level -- especially if we start seeing increased urban violence and Astroturf disarmament zealots, control freak politicians, and the media start screaming."
Also see: Coronavirus Hysteria Raises Legitimate Gun and Freedom Concerns


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