Many Second Amendment supporters haven't heard of the Biden Administration's proposal to greatly widen IRS reporting requirements regarding bank accounts. In essence, if you have more than $600 in your account, or you make more than $600 in transactions in a year, the bank has to report the transactions to the IRS. That's just about everybody.
This is one of the most dangerous below-the-radar threats to the Second Amendment we've seen. For starters, this adds a massive reporting requirement for banks and financial institutions. Just what sort of Second Amendment-related financial activities will get reported? Here's a short list:
• Ammunition purchases.
• Donations to pro-Second Amendment groups
• Firearms purchases
• Purchases of firearms accessories
Congratulations, the IRS can start drawing up a list of gun owners, all thanks to the transaction data they force banks to hand over. What could possibly go wrong?
One thing that Second Amendment supporters need to make fellow Americans understand is that this concern is not paranoia. It is a potential blatant invasion of personal privacy which has many ramifications, including 'spying' on anything 2A oriented as a transaction.