In 2013, New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, and Governor Andrew Cuomo conspired to pass rigid and likely unconstitutional restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms by residents of New York State. The law was passed with a rushed vote under a controversial measure in the New York Constitution which gives the Governor and legislative leaders enormous power. The members of the legislature were forced to vote on it without any time to read it. From
The NY Safe Act was passed with no hearings, no testimony, no time for opponents to make a case to their legislators.
It's not the first time a controversial bill was turned into a midnight emergency.
Others include same-sex marriage, pension reforms, requiring annual teacher evaluations, and, in some years, the entire state budget.
There has been massive resistance to the SAFE act. From the
One of the most controversial components of the New York SAFE Act — mandatory registration of assault weapons — kicks in today. Those who fail to comply could end up facing criminal charges.
But local sheriffs and gun rights advocates said they expect the vast majority of those who own such firearms will defy the requirement. And state police offered no details when asked to outline what, if any, plans the agency has for enforcing the statute, which was pushed through the Legislature in January 2013 by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
"I don't know a single person who is even thinking about complying with registration," said Jim Losie, owner of Losie's Gun Shop in Oneonta. Losie called the registration requirement a prelude to eventual confiscation of such weapons by state government.
Large parts of the SAFE act have proven to be impractical to implement. Some pieces have been ruled unconstitutional. One part was so idiotic the state legislature, with the agreement of the governor, repealed it very quickly.