From, a campaign event. Megan Hunt is the Senator of District 8 in Nebraska. District 8 is a tight urban district near the center of Omaha.
In this Humanist article about Megan Hunt. Hunt is described as an openly bi-sexual, atheist, Progressive. She was born in 1986, so she is 35 years old. Hunt recently gained notoriety for this tweet. From
Owning a gun isn't a "G-d-given right." It's a slave-owning, misogynistic founding father-given right. I'm not against 2a, but be real - the Constitution was written by people! Today I'm filibustering a bill that would allow concealed carry without training or a permit. #NELeg
It is hard to see how filibustering a bill which restores Second Amendment rights to Nebraska can be "not against 2a", but Progressives are famous for changing the definition of words to make their arguments seem logical.
Senator Megan Hunt illustrates a profoundly different world view, with profoundly different assumptions about the nature of reality, than the majority of Americans.
"The Second Amendment derives from Natural law theory of the right of self defense, as well as the necessity of restraining the power of government. Part of that restraint is to have countervailing force possessed by the bulk of the people being governed."