If the legacy media had their way, your front door would explode and seconds later you’d be hip-deep in armed gun-grabbers delivering high-caliber butt-strokes to your noggin until you surrendered the combination to your gun safe.
That is the level of anti-gun bias today’s legacy media uses whenever they report on anything related to guns or the Second Amendment. Their recent stories on developments in the Senate are no exception to this rule.
“The Senate has finally reached an agreement on guns,” a CBS news actor breathlessly announced Monday morning. Except the Senate hasn’t reached any agreement. Ten Republican Senators have agreed in theory to back a 'gun-control' framework, which is light years away from agreeing to support an actual 'gun-control' bill.
Once again, the legacy media is way ahead of the actual story. Once again, they are reporting what they want to happen, instead of what actually happened. Rather than reporting the truth, today’s media consistently pushes its own agenda, which in this case is their belief we need more 'gun control'.
To be clear, a bipartisan group of 20 Senators – 10 Republicans and 10 Democrats – led by Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), announced yesterday their support for a proposal, which is not a bill.