On June 21 in Clearwater, Florida, a woman fatally shot a man who
broke into her bedroom while she was sleeping and assaulted her.
Glasshouse Images / Getty Images
1) The Supreme Court last month struck down a New York
law that effectively prohibited ordinary citizens from
carrying handguns in public for self-defense.
2) Good policy is not just about preventing dangerous
individuals from owning firearms. It also should “empower
vulnerable citizens to protect themselves.”
3) The Second Amendment helps ensure that all potential
victims have not just the theoretical right but the practical
ability to act in self-defense.
The Supreme Court last month struck down a New York law that effectively prohibited ordinary citizens from carrying handguns in public for self-defense.
As some New Yorkers joined gun control activists in decrying the decision as making them less safe, one young woman explained how, for her, the high court’s opinion meant she was one step closer to sleeping soundly for the first time in months.
Laura Adkins, a liberal journalist living in New York City, described how, after a recent breakup, her ex-partner’s increasingly obsessive and harassing behavior made her fear for her life despite the temporary order of protection she got.