Buried in a 698-word gun control Op-Ed appearing in the Seattle Times is a carefully-worded pitch for electing anti-gunners in November.
It comes in the 11th of 12 paragraphs that discuss school safety and the importance of adopting more gun control laws.
“As we’ve made clear,” insist co-authors Renee Hopkins and Margaret Heldring, “so much meaningful action relies on our elected officials, which means it is essential that we vote to support candidates who will prioritize action to address the gun violence epidemic. We need champions at every level of government, not just in Congress, who will stand up to the gun lobby.”
Hopkins is head of the Seattle-based Alliance for Gun Responsibility, a billionaire-backed gun prohibition lobbying group responsible for pushing through two restrictive anti-gun-rights citizen initiatives since 2014. Heldring is founder and co-chair of Grandmothers Against Gun Violence.
By no small coincidence, this Op-Ed—which is garnering some interesting criticisms—appears about ten days after publication of a column in GUNS Magazine cautioning readers about so-called “gun sense candidates” leading up to the Nov. 8 midterms.