Most people live in a box, usually within a blur of dizzying repetition. We patriots and 2A advocates are no exception. We are after all, human beings. Fallible. Shortsighted. Well-meaning to be sure. It’s our human condition.
As I recently wrote: “If you think our 2A woes are an isolated singular entity, you are quite wrong. Our 2A battle is just the tip of an iceberg in an ocean of blind, fanatical, ideological hate; a partial expression and symptom of a much greater whole called The Great Reset: an ever-expanding gestalt, an evil Marxist takeover of our country, our traditions, our individualism, and our rights and freedoms that come from G-d. For that matter, the whole world is similarly on fire and burning in the flames of similar risk at this very moment.” True then. True now. Tragically getting truer each and every day.
Speaking of days, as I write these words, we have just under one month until election day, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. We all must get out of our personal blurs, our deafening, overly repetitive, same old same old boxes. And the time is NOW!
Of course you are going to vote. But we all must realize, now more than ever before in our lifetimes, that we may not win both the House and Senate. As is, do you understand that we are losing our country? And if we lose big in just a few weeks and then in 2024, do you understand that the America we love will absolutely, assuredly be gone, forever?