What’s New— Congressional: State/Local legislation:
California: SB2, the Legislative Counsel has published an introduction to the Democrats response to the Bruen case;
Colorado legislature: gun laws expected to be a priority in the 2023 legislature;
Hawaii: Honolulu Bill 57 had its first reading vote and the vote was 6-2-1 in favor.
Illinois: Gov. J.B. Prizker signed HB1095;
Columbus: City Council passes ordinance outlawing large-capacity magazines;
Maryland: new anti-carry bill is being proposed in Prince Charles County with a hearing on Jan. 11;
Missouri: school shooting leads to calls for “assault weapons” ban;
New Jersey: lawsuit to stop state bear hunt filed and court ruled in favor of the hunt continuing; S3214, a copycat of the NY strategy to stymie SCOTUS’ Bruen decision, is going to the state Senate;
Ohio: The House amended version of SB185 was rejected by the Senate with only one positive vote;
Virginia: Prince William County Board of Supervisors meeting Dec. 6 tabled resolution 10A unanimously;
Judicial: Lawsuits against Oregon Measure 114 now total 5 as of Dec. 9, 2022;
Cases being heard the week of Dec. 12:
Arnold v. Brown: hearing on temporary injunction in the state court;
Miller v. Bonta: a hearing is scheduled for this Friday, Dec. 16,
MSI v. Montgomery County: court conference Dec. 6—Montgomery County’s Motion to Remand was denied and plaintiffs can file proposed motion for a TRO and PI;
Antonyuk v. Hochul: An appeal to the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit for a “stay pending appeal” has been Granted.
2022 Congressional Activity/Biden Administration:
It appears that a continuing resolution may be the vehicle for any further gun control legislation in 2022. However anti-gun groups are pushing for a Senate vote on the “assault weapon” ban before a new Congress is installed.
During Thanksgiving week President Biden commented to reports saying,“The idea we still allow semi-automatic weapons to be purchased is sick. Just sick. It has no, no social redeeming value. Zero.”