Teacher firearm training (Image by J. Schwarm courtesy GSL Defense Training / Guns Save Life)
By Rob Morse
Lies come in many shapes and sizes. Some are simple exaggerations. Some are absurd falsehoods. Unfortunately, we tend to believe a plain, bold-faced lie if it's expressed with enough emotion. That's the same kind thing keeps viewers watching and clicking so the press is often more interested in outrage than in the truth.
A lie doesn't become the truth no matter how many times it's repeated, but the lie may help politicians get re-elected if it's repeated often enough and believed by enough likely voters. We need to call out every lie we see even if that means calling some of our "respected elected officials" liars.
Congressman Jamaal Brown, you are a liar. Representative Jimmy Gomez, you are a liar. You both lie when you say that you want to save lives, and claim that gun-control laws will actually protect our kids. That's an easily provable falsehood that both of you continue to repeat.
Why do politicians hide the truth behind their emotional outbursts? The simple answer is that it helps them get what they want most…namely press coverage and campaign contributions.
Democrat Congressman Jimmy Gomez of California said that Republicans should resign from office if they are not going to pass more gun-control legislation.
Democrat Representative Jamaal Bowman of New York yelled at reporters that "Republicans won't do sh!t when it comes to gun violence."