Federal District Judge Roger Benitez
Progressive historians have used their position to justify unfettered governmen power for decades. Professor Saul Cornell has long taken the position the Second Amendment does not mean what it says. As an example of his rhetoric, he claims government policies encouraging gun ownership as proof of the legitimacy of government authority to ban guns. Laws and regulations encouraging people to exercise their right to arms are not a persuasive argument to show they had the authority to ban exercise of the right. From Professor Saul Cornell:
Without government direction there would have been no body of Minutemen
to muster on the town greens at Lexington and Concord. If the Founders
had imbibed the strong gun rights ideology that drives today's gun debate
we would all be drinking tea and singing, "God save our gracious Queen."
Professor Cornell conveniently ignores the fact the (British) Governments attempt at disarming American colonists (including the militias) at Lexington and Concord directly led to the Revolutionary war and the forming of the United States.
Professor Cornell submitted his thoughts in an amicus brief to Judge Benitez in the Miller v Becerra case. Judge Benitez did his job and objectively considered what Professor Cornell wrote. He found many factual errors [...]