'Think that'd usher in peace and non-violence? Hardly.
What If All the Guns on Earth Just Disappeared?
There is a myriad of positions taken when it comes to the topic of who should or shouldn't possess guns, and if and how such possession should be regulated. One major point raised by those who oppose more stringent gun laws is that laws are, per se, for the law-abiding, and that criminals are, per se, people who view laws with disregard and contempt.
So more stringent gun laws serve to limit access to guns only by people who respect and obey laws, leaving criminals to continue to access guns via theft (which is how a great many criminals obtain guns) and illegal channels, and to continue to use those guns for criminal purposes, and with a larger pool of potential victims who, by those very laws, have been rendered disarmed and therefore vulnerable. This is why it's said that "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."
But what if all firearms -- every single one in existence -- could somehow, magically and universally, be rendered non-existent? No guns in the hands of citizens, no guns in the hands of police, no guns in the hands of criminals, and, while we're at it, no guns in the hands of soldiers, regardless of what cause they're fighting for! ...........
Well, I'm here to tell you that it would definitely not be a good thing, not for humanity and not for civilization. And I'll tell you why.