Instead of advocating for prosecutors to get tough on criminals who break the law, keeping them behind bars longer rather than being released with a slap on the wrist, researchers have been keeping themselves busy in a flurry of "research" to tell us what we already know. Firearms are deadly. That is, after all, why law-abiding citizens use firearms for self-defense.
That is why gun rights advocates, Second Amendment supporters and self-defense proponents take firearm education and training so seriously. With great privilege (exercising Second Amendment rights) comes great responsibility.
Several researchers teamed up to publish a recent article in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) titled, "Bullets as Pathogen—The Need for Public Health and Policy Approaches." The results were not at all earth-shattering – that larger bullets cause more damage than smaller ones – but policy recommendations resulting from the "research" could be far-reaching, if impractical.
"It is past time to address the ultimate cause of injury and death, the bullet, and consider bullet-specific regulations to decrease the burden of firearm injuries in the U.S.," the authors proclaimed.