'Gun control' advocates shift focus to states

By Jake McGuigan. Mar 13, 2025

Focusing on Congress, especially when lawmakers are talking about 'gun control', is to be expected. Washington, D.C., is the center of gravity when it comes to policymaking in the United States. Big debates, big legislation, and big policy agendas are decided that have sweeping authority across the nation.

For some, it can be excruciatingly slow. That's what the framers had intended. Congress was never meant to be quick on decision-making. Instead, the process of drafting laws, enacting legislation, and setting policy was intended to be deliberative. The idea was that lawmakers should put thought into the lasting impacts their passionate rhetoric might invite.

This Congress won't be any different, especially when it comes to firearm policies. Congress is narrowly split in both chambers. That means meaningful legislation will likely not gain the support needed. That can be frustrating for pro-gun legislation but helpful when it comes to blocking 'gun control'.

That's why 'gun control' proponents have shifted their focus to 50 new targets. .....


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