(Image Courtesy of USCCA)

By William Barclay Masterson. February 21, 2025

First of all, a huge "thank you" to all who read my The Great American David & Goliath Challenge and acted upon it. Needless to say, our man won! And we haven't stopped winning ever since! I sincerely believe G-d saved President Trump's life in Butler, PA for a reason. The hand of G-d was on him. And now, President Trump's guiding hands are on us and our country.

I'm pretty sure most of you reading this already know about and share my first two, 2A wishes. The third may surprise you. PLEASE ACT ON IT!

1. RECIPROCITY - Generally speaking, your license to carry concealed ends at your state line. It is recognized in some states, but in others, most assuredly not. As is, our country is a patchwork hodgepodge of do's, don'ts, and can'ts that could easily get you arrested, jailed, and branded a felon for life if you so much as cross the wrong state line because you missed an exit on the freeway.

The American citizenry deserves National Reciprocity so that all 57 states (no, Obama was wrong), all 50 states recognize our license to carry, exactly as with a driver's license. A presidential executive order may offer temporary relief, but it can and will all too easily be undone by the next democrat president's pen. So my first wish demands action by congress to pass a new law before we lose the majority.

USCCA Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map & U.S. Gun Laws | USCCA

2. CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY - or CONSTITUTIONAL CONCEALED CARRY RECIPROCITY. Simply put, this means that the 2A in the Bill of Rights of our Constitution already is our license to carry, a right given to us by our creator. That means not by politicians with security details, but by G-d, Ha Shem. We neither need nor require politicians to take over and hopelessly overcomplicate the 2A. Law-abiding citizens already have the right. G-d said so. It is written/interpreted in Talmud "If someone is coming to kill you, rise against him and kill him first." There you have it, the natural G-d given right of self-defense! Therefore, the 2A in the Constitution was and still is properly meant to legally protect what G-d already gave us! The 2A is like a Hebrew National Hot Dog. Both answer to a … HIGHER AUTHORITY!

3. KNIVES ARE ARMS TOO - Arms are defined as instruments or weapons, for offense or defense, what a person takes in his/her hand for offense or defense, to strike or defend with. Therefore, firearms and knives are both covered by the 2A. To Keep and Bear arms means to Keep and Carry both a firearm and a knife. Government infringement is ultimately unconstitutional.

Most of our country's knife laws (as with guns) are hopelessly misguided and convoluted, defy any logical consistency, and only hurt innocent people as they give even greater power and advantage to evil people who never obey laws. Law-abiding citizens already have more than enough laws to follow. As with firearms, we must not be regulated out of carrying a knife, arguably our oldest self-defense weapon and useful tool first appearing at least 2.5 million years ago (Oldowan tools). As with firearms, most knife laws are infringements and ultimately unconstitutional.

In America, we have a 2A for Constitutional and G-d given reasons. Please, let's all fight back legally to get the oppressive, power-grabbing government off our collective backs! Get involved. Let the politicians know. Your life and the lives of your family may depend on it.

A gun, a knife, and (always my first choice) less-than-lethal pepper gel … not a bad trio of options (for those who are interested) to face an always uncertain and often dangerous world with. G-d willing, you will never need them.

Please click on the following link to read the common sense, easy to understand reasons why my third wish should be yours too.

© 2025, Copyright by William Barclay Masterson


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