JPFO Bookstore: Second Amendment Studies.



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Second Amendment Studies.

A Little Handbook on the Second Amendment: What the American aristocracy Does Not Want You to Know
by Dr. Joseph L. Bass
The Downhome Enterprise, Paperback, 105 pages (December 1999)
"Too many that support the Second Amendment do not have the time to read academic books dealing with the subject. The "handbook" re-focuses the debate on guns on issues as seen by the Founding Fathers. Information is presented in an easily read format, outlining the more than 3000 years of political thought represented by the Second Amendment. We will better able to support the Second Amendment if many more of us are better informed." -- Author.
Or, you can buy it direct from the publisher by sending a money order or check for $12.95 made out to:
The Downhome Enterprise, L.L.C.
1533 Moores Point Rd.
Suffolk, VA 23436

Price includes shipping and handling.

The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction
by Akhil Reed Amar
Yale University Press, 352 pages (September 1998)
Also in paperback
Reviewed by Vin Suprynowicz

Origins and Development of the Second Amendment: A Sourcebook
by David T. Hardy
Blacksmith Publishing Corporation Hardcover 85 pages (May 1986)
Comment: I've been told that this small book is the best survey of the development of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms you can find.

More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun-Control Laws (Studies in Law and Economics)
by John R. Lott, Jr.
University of Chicago Press paperback (2nd Edition) - 321 pages, 2000
Comment: A detailed statistical study that shows that places that "allow" people to carry guns have lower rates of violent crime; and that when places that formerly did not allow people to carry guns change and allow carry, the rates of violent crime go down. Instead of making up his statistics like anti-gunners do, Dr. Lott relied on official crime reports, and applied rigorous mathematical methods.

To Keep and Bear Arms: The Origins of an Anglo-American Right
by Joyce Lee Malcolm
Harvard University Press Hardcover - 232 pages (February 1994)
Also: Harvard University Press Paperback Reprint edition (April 1996)

That Every Man Be Armed: The Evolution of a Constitutional Right
by Stephen P. Halbrook
Independent Institute Paperback edition (March 1994)
Comment: The definitive study of the history of the Second Amendment.

Targeting Guns : Firearms and Their Control (Social Institutions and Social Change)
by Gary Kleck
Aldine De Gruyter Paperback - 450 pages (December 1997)

Stopping Power; Why 70 Million Americans Own Guns
by J. Neil Schulman, Afterword by Gary Kleck, Inc Paperback - 318 pages (December 1994)

The Samurai, the Mountie, and the Cowboy: Should America Adopt the Gun Controls of Other Democracies?
by David B. Kopel
Prometheus Books Hardcover - 470 pages (July 1992)

Guns: Who Should Have Them?
by David B. Kopel (Editor)
Prometheus Books Hardcover - 475 pages (August 1995)

No More Wacos: What's Wrong With Federal Law Enforcement and How to Fix It
by David B. Kopel, Paul H. Blackman
Prometheus Books Hardcover - 524 pages (March 1997)



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