- "In recent years, no pro-gun organization has bettered JPFO's efforts to provide pro-gunners with lethal 'ammunition' for use against anti-gun forces. JPFO's message is simple and clear - "gun control" leads to genocide - and JPFO can prove it." - Kevin Steele, Editor for Guns & Ammo Magazine.
- "The research JPFO has done linking gun control with civilian disarmament and genocide has given GOA a powerfull weapon in its lobbying." - Larry Pratt, Executive Director, Gun Owners of America.
- "Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has made a great contribution to scholarship by the publication of "Gun Control": Gateway to Tyranny and Lethal Laws." - Stephen P. HalBrook, Constitutional Rights Attorney and Author of That every man be armed.
- "While other pro-firearms organizations talk about fighting gun control, JPFO is the only organization dedicated to destroying it. No nonsense, no conpromise, that's what they're all about." - Andrew Molchan, President, National Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers.
- "JPFO has shifted the burden to the opponents of firearms rights to either come up with a more effective anti-genocide medicine or to admit that saving lives was never the primary objective of the gun prohibition movement in the first place." - David Kopel, Attorney-at-Law; The Independence Institute, Denver Colorado.
- "If JPFO had existed in the 1930's, the 1934 Firearms Act, which ushered in the era of gun control in this country, would never have been passed. We urge all gun owners to join JPFO and support their invaluable educational work." - Daniel J. Schultz and Steven A. Silver; The Lawyers' Second Amendment Society, Ercino, California.
1) ONLY JPFO aggressively challenges Jewish and Gentile firearm prohibitionists using solid research that produces hard facts, which silence those who rely on myths, factoids, disinformation, or plain lies.
2) ONLY JPFO found and exposed the parallels between the Nazi Weapons Law (18 March 1938) and the U.S. Gun Control Act of 1968, which turned your civil right to be armed into a privilege. JPFO's book, "Gun Control": Gateway to Tyranny, gives you the facts.
3) ONLY JPFO proved that "gun control" cleared the way for eight major genocides in which 57 million victims - including millions of children - have been murdered. LETHAL LAWS gives you the knowledge - the intellectual ammunition - you need to destroy "gun control".
4) ONLY JPFO created the Gran'pa Jack series of illustrated educational booklets. These give kids and adults short, clear history and law lessons. These lessons give you the facts gun prohibitionists dont want you, and America's children, to know.