Scuttle the Scam Strategy:
Using Dial 911 and Die To Destroy "Gun Control"
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027
Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959Scuttle the Scam Strategy:
Using Dial 911 and Die To Destroy "Gun Control"
When you read Dial 911 and Die, you will learn how the legal system shields government from responsibility for protecting individual citizens from criminal attack. You might feel outrage and betrayal as the picture forms in your mind. Government officials, who are working overtime to install "gun control," know that they will face no personal liability when armed criminals plunder disarmed victims.
Tactic No. 1: Confront & Expose Politicians and CandidatesHow can you turn your understanding and anger into action? Here is one easy way: confront local and state politicians and candidates with the truth they didn’t want you to know, and expose their fraudulent scheme. You can do it all with correspondence letters. First, you confront by sending a letter like the following:
Dear [Politician]:You say you want to ban certain firearms and restrict people from owning firearms in general. You call it "gun control" but in reality it is victim disarmament, because everyone knows that criminals don’t obey gun restrictions. If you don’t want citizens like me to be able to defend ourselves, then when we are in danger, what are we supposed to do?
You might tell me that I can call the police when a criminal attack is looming. You might tell me that I should rely on the police to protect me. If you told me these things, you would be committing a vicious fraud.
In this state, the police owe no duty to protect me or any individual citizen from criminals attack. It’s a fact -- not just my opinion. It’s the law, as set forth in [cite the statute or case from your state]. Even if the police had a legal duty to protect us, they can’t be everywhere at once, so they can’t protect everyone.
So, you want to disarm me and other law-abiding citizens, but you offer no other protection except a telephone number. If you think that dialing 911 is enough to protect me and my family, then will you personally post a bond to pay my damages if the police fail to respond to my 911 call? Will you reimburse me for my damages if the police don’t protect me from a criminal attacker? Will you personally pay the life insurance bill for every citizen whom you disarm, so that their families don’t suffer financial ruin when the breadwinner is murdered or disabled by a criminal?
I would like to get a response from you on this issue. This is not just a question about placing a signal light, fixing a pothole, funding a library expansion or zoning a subdivision -- this is a life and death matter. Please let me know what you will do personally to protect me, my neighbors and fellow citizens from criminal attack after you have made it difficult or impossible for us to possess handguns and other firearms.
When the politician responds to your challenge, he or she will either have changed position (unlikely) or have tried to defend the "gun control" position. Your second step is to write to local newspapers and expose the politician’s lame excuse. Here is one way to do it:
Dear Editor:I wrote to [politician] and cited him to the law: police owe no legal duty to protect individuals from criminal attack.This rule is set forth in [give the citation to the court decision or statute]. I asked [the politician] why he favored "gun control," i.e. disarming innocent citizens, when he could offer no other effective protection from violent crime.
[The politician] replied to my letter, and wrote that [fill in the blank -- quote part of the politician’s letter that gets to the point, if any]. His answer shows how "gun control" is based on a lie. The politicians tell us that "you don’t need a gun because the police will protect you." They discourage or forbid citizens to own weapons for self-defense, but when the police fail to protect us, the government turns around and escapes responsibility by saying the police have no duty to protect us.
The law is the same all across the United States, as documented in the new book, Dial 911 and Die. The "gun control" lobbyists are fooling people into believing the myth of police protection. When the people know the fraud of "gun control," politicians won’t have any more excuses for deliberately disarming the people and leaving them helpless against criminal attack.
Tactic No. 2: Corner Law Enforcement Using Dial 911 and DieHere is another way to use Dial 911 and Die to force public officials to explain how it makes sense to disarm the citizens without promising to protect the citizens from violent criminals. First, send the following letter to your local sheriff or police chief.
Dear Sheriff:Does your department guarantee that it will respond to my emergency 911 call? For example, if an attacker is trying to smash in through my front door or a side window, and I call 911, does your department guarantee to have an officer here to protect me?
I understand that in our state, the local government and police owe no legal duty to protect individual citizens from crime. See [cite the statute or case]. If your department cannot promise to protect me and my family, then would you recommend that I rely solely on dialing 911 in a situation like I have described?
This question vitally interests me because existing and proposed "gun control" laws work to make it more difficult or impossible for me to possess a firearm. I am trying to find out if it is the policy of our local officials to disarm the citizens while offering no guarantee of protection against criminal attack. I hope to hear from you very soon.
How the sheriff or police chief answers your letter will suggest how you can use the information you get. If the lawman admits that the police owe no duty to protect individual citizens, then you (1) send a copy to JPFO and (2) write a letter to the newspaper using that information to bolster your position. Here is a sample letter to the editor:
Dear Editor:Current and proposed "gun control" laws will work to discourage citizens from possessing firearms for self-protection. Existing laws in this state say that the police owe no duty to protect citizens. See [cite the case decision or statute] It seems bizarre that the government would be trying to disarm citizens while at the same time saying that it owed no duty to protect citizens.
I wrote to [sheriff or police chief] to ask her whether she and her department guarantee to answer my 911 call and protect me from a criminal invasion into my home. She confirmed in a letter to me that the police could not promise or guarantee protection from crime. [quote the language from the law officer’s letter, if it reads well].
Most Americans don’t know that in most states the police owe no legal duty to protect citizens from violent crime. This fact is documented in the new book entitled Dial 911 and Die.
The "gun control" lobbyists keep saying "you don’t need a gun because the police will protect you," but that is a deadly myth. The police can’t protect everyone ... and they don’t even have to respond to your call. Rational Americans won’t allow themselves to be disarmed when they realize that they are personally responsible for protecting themselves against criminal attack.
If the lawman’s response instead criticizes private gun ownership, then you can write a letter to the newspaper that highlights that aspect:
Dear Editor:Current and proposed "gun control" laws will work to discourage citizens from possessing firearms for self-protection. Existing laws in this state say that the police owe no duty to protect citizens. See [cite the case decision or statute] It seems bizarre that the government would be trying to disarm citizens while at the same time saying that it owed no duty to protect citizens.
I wrote to [sheriff or police chief] to ask him whether he and his department guarantee to answer my 911 call and protect me from a criminal invasion into my home. He told me that we citizens should rely only on the police, and that we should not be permitted to defend ourselves against criminal attack. Sheriff __________ wrote "[quote the language in his letter if it helps]"
The sheriff’s response frankly worried me. Not only does the law shield the government and police from liability for failing to protect citizens, the police want the citizens defenseless. I am starting to wonder whose side the police are on.
Tactic No. 3: Worldwide Embarrassment for Dangerous Public Officials When you get responses from politicians or law enforcement officials, please send copies to JPFO. We will broadcast to the world how these public officials are working against the rights of all citizens to be free of criminal attack. When average Americans see how these officials dodge the truth, many will see that "gun control" endangers them personally. That realization will change the whole scene ... and help eradicate "gun control" as an idea ... permanently.
Get the Equipment -- Lock and Load! To get started with this strategy, you need to get the basic equipment. Order a copy of Dial 911 and Die and you’ll have all the ammunition you need: the law, the stories, the legal citations to cases and statutes. You could write your first letter, and corner your local public official within a week.
Better to multiply the effort. Get copies for every gun owner and gun rights supporter you know. Give them a copy of this "scuttle the scam" strategy, and urge them to write letters. Divide up your list of public officials among your group members, and launch several letters at once. It’s really easy when a group gets together to do it.
Order Dial 911 and Die in bulk and get great discounts:
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58 copies (1 case) $349.95 postage paid (save $343 !)Wisconsin residents must add sales tax; prices slightly higher for Canada.
Click here to order on-line. Or call (800) 869-1884. Order by credit card or by mail. You’ll get your books in a few days -- and you’re ready to go!
Still Wondering What to Do? The adversary has nowhere to hide when you strike using the "scuttle the scam" strategy. All it takes is a book and the willingness to write two letters. We’ve got to get moving now ... the adversary is well-funded and tireless ... now is our chance to win back our rights. Act today!
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