JPFO Store Ordering Help



Here are a few points which may assist with the JPFO Store ordering process and help things flow more quickly and easily. Click on thumbnails to see larger screen-grabs.


Please note - allow approximately 10 days for delivery.

1) - If ordering multiples items - either types or sizes etc during one session … we suggest you do not proceed beyond the "View Cart" page (see image to right, with one black t-shirt order) to "Checkout" until you have completed your choices.

Although it is possible to go to the checkout phase and still continue shopping, all your information if it was entered will be lost - requiring starting over again later. It is ideally the last phase when your order is complete. During a shopping session you will see a cart status at upper right on a product page, showing current item numbers and cost subtotal .

2) - When on the "View Cart" page, there are two options for continuing shopping. The "Continue Shopping" button option will take you back but only to the basic store starting/homepage (see picture on left), and not too the page you were last using. From there of course you can use a links sequence to go to any item in the store, by using either the menu on the left or make a choice from the category list.

3) - If however, you wish to return to your last page visited, perhaps to order another and different size t-shirt, (in this example the black JPFO t-shirts page - see picture to right) - then you should be able to use the back button on your browser just once from the "View Cart" page - this can avoid unnecessary page loads by getting back to a previously used page again.

4) - We would ask that during checkout you make sure to choose your state in your details, as if not selected it defaults to Alabama! We usually spot this error but it certainly helps to be sure to enter your correct state choice. Also at the checkout stage, please enter any relevant information you feel necessary or useful, in the "Comments" area.

5) - If you have queries, seek a quantity discount, or simply prefer to order over the phone - then you can use the JPFO order line - 800-869-1884. This will generally be available during office hours (CST) Monday through Friday. You may also if you have questions before or following an order just email us.


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