November 15th, 2011

Bill of Rights Day approaches

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Quite often we at JPFO get a letter or phone call or email from someone who really wants to "do something to help". We welcome these queries. Thank you.

However, JPFO has so much "intellectual ammunition" available in the fight against "gun control"that our answer is quite often: "Just use our tools!"

Bill of Rights Day is December 15th. Each of you can make at least one other person aware of the day, and of how essential the Bill of Rights has been to American freedom. How controversial can it be to give a neighbor a "Gran’pa Jack #3" comic book about the Bill of Rights? Will you be labeled a kook … or a "gun nut". Most likely not.

Most people simply do not understand that the Second Amendment is the "Guardian" of the Bill of Rights. The way to reach these folk is to:

1. Remind them of what our Bill of Rights actually says … and is meant to do. Visit the JPFO BoR index page, and find many related items.

2. Gently point out that we are rapidly loosing our foundational rights.

3. Calmly and somberly remind them that, G-d forbid, the day may come when we have to physically stand up to a tyrannical government in America. Hence the Second Amendment.

This third point is not new with the "Patriot" or "Militia" movement. We were being warned of it from the very founding of this nation!

So please support JPFO and support your own freedom now. Get your Bill of Rights Day kit, and a Bill of Rights poster. Or buy a hundred " Gran’pa Jack #3" comic books .

Please do your part. Bill of Rights day is a day to remind America of what America is supposed to be: "The shining city on the hill".

Thank you for all your support.


The JPFO Liberty Crew
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"


JPFO's new "Triple Play" DVD - all three major recent films on one DVD

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JPFO Freedom Music - enjoy the "I Will Live Free" CD - sale price $17.76

JPFO hats and patches are now available per your request, at the JPFO Store.


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