January 26th 2012

Meeting JPFO People

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Last May 2011 we launched an idea to help people interested in finding other relatively local JPFO folks. This was made possible due to the generosity of the owner of http://GunLink.info, a guns information site with its own forum, within which a JPFO section was set up specially for us. It lists all states.

While the numbers seeking like-minded people is not large, over time we have received requests for local contact information, and still do. The JPFO member list however is privacy protected and so we cannot give out that information, but the forum idea seemed a good way to go.

Since its inception, uptake has been very limited - perhaps in part because until the "ball gets rolling", visitors may see little in the way of posts and so not feel it worthwhile. You are invited to consider (or reconsider) joining so that the numbers of people posting can grow to a useful size. The idea is to post a simple anonymous message in your own state’s section, with perhaps a clue as to location. From there people can then approach others by private messaging, thus safeguarding their information from public view. If you'd like to meet others in your area then do go and join in. If eventually the uptake is too small to be useful then the forum may be lost.

Read the alert from last May 2011 - which explains the process and provides links. Do pay a visit if interested.


The JPFO Liberty Crew
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"



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