July 24rd 2014

25% off EVERYTHING in the JPFO store
One week only!


Yes, you heard that right. As part of our ongoing celebration of JPFO's 25th anniversary, we're dropping the price of all merchandise in the JPFO store a full 25% through July 31 or soon after. (The only thing not discounted is membership -- but read on for how you can still get a great, limited-time deal on that!)

We've accomplished so much since 1989 and we couldn't have done it without you. So now we want you to OWN as many of those classic and recent accomplishments as you can grab in our 25 for 25 special.

OWN "Boot the BATFE" merchandise. The in-your-face DVD The Gang was $18. Now, it's $13.50! Wear a "Boot" lapel pin. Normally $9.95, now just $7.46.

OPEN your friends' eyes. The ground-breaking book Gun Control: Gateway to Tyranny was JPFO's first major accomplishment. It reveals that the Gun Control Act of 1968 was clearly based on Nazi German law. But even though we published this book more than 20 years ago, millions of Americans are still ignorant or in denial. We had already discounted this book from $19.95 to $14.95. Now take an extra 25% off and wake up your friends and neighbors for just $11.21!

We're listing some of our major products by name, but don't forget, everything in the JPFO store (excluding memberships) is discounted for the next week only. Targets! -- Tee-shirts! -- Stickers! -- Videos!

25 for 25 on ALL merchandise!

GRAB a copy of RebelFire: Out of the Gray Zone, our young adult novel written by Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman. Teenagers love it. Normally $19.95. Now a mere $13.50 -- and that includes a two-song CD.

Want to show the world that victim disarmament is racist and anti-Semitic? Then the DVD's No Guns for Negroes and No Guns for Jews are what you need. For the next week, it's just $7.46 -- postpaid -- for each.

Or get a "Triple-play" DVD containing those two films AND 2A Today for the USA. Usually, it's $16.95. Through July 31, it's yours for $12.71 -- postpaid.

25 for 25 -- on every product in the JPFO store!

Dial 911 and Die -- our classic book by attorney Richard W. Stevens has just been reprinted. We have plenty of copies for you and your friends. Was $14.95. For the next week ONLY -- $11.21.

Check out all our books here. We've got novels like The Mitzvah, by Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith. We've got non-fiction. It can ALL be yours at 25% off retail.

Oh yeah, and don't forget KNIVES. Always a popular item, we've currently got various combo packages that include the sleek ESEE Izula knife. The already-special deals are now even more special -- at 25% off their regular price.

25 for 25 -- ONE WEEK ONLY!

And about those memberships? It's true that memberships are the ONLY thing not included in this sale. On the other hand, you can still get a three-year JPFO membership for just $50 on our ongoing anniversary special. That's three years for the price of two. So if you're ready to upgrade your membership or want to treat a friend, go for it now.

A special note from Doug Schuett, JPFO Managing Director

JPFO proudly remains dedicated to the vision of our late founder, Aaron Zelman. We have been, and we remain, America's most aggressive civil rights organization and an uncompromising defender of the Second Amendment.

Since Aaron's death in 2010 we've been rebuilding. We have prevailed through many struggles. Recently, you've seen concrete signs of our progress. Long-time writer Claire Wolfe has returned, and so has old friend David Codrea. They've been joined by new (to us, but not to the gun-rights world) writers Nicky Kenyon and Kurt Hofmann. Each week this spirited, well-informed crew brings you at least four original articles not available anywhere else.

We will also soon be making several exciting announcements. Watch for them.

We couldn't have made this recovery without you, but there's still a long way to travel -- and for that we need your continuing, unflagging support. This 25 for 25 sale is our way of saying thanks. But it's also a way of asking you to continue to stand by us -- and encourage your friends and other Second Amendment supporters to stand by us, as well. JPFO is a unique organization with a unique message of Holocaust prevention and guns rights as civil rights. The world needs us. We need you. So please take advantage of this sale and tell your friends about it.

Thank you,

Schuett Sig

Doug Schuett
Managing Director

Want an easy way to keep track of what's going on, not only here at JPFO, but in the gun-rights world? Check out JPFO's own special Twitter, and Facebook feeds.

Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"

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