Hunter Biden Cuts Deal On Gun
Charge; CCRKBA Rips 'Biden Loophole

By Dave Workman. June 20, 2023

Hunter Biden, the embattled son of Democrat President Joe Biden, has reportedly "reached a tentative deal" with the U.S. Attorney in Delaware to enter a guilty plea on two misdemeanor tax charges, and enter a "pretrial diversion agreement" on a gun law violation, which the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms called an "outrage."

"It's an insult to the intelligence of the American people," said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. "Why should anybody respect any gun laws if the president's son gets a pass?"

Gottlieb further said the "anti-gun-rights movement, from the president on down, has lost all credibility" when it comes to advocating for tougher gun control laws.

"None of the gun prohibition lobbying groups have uttered a word of condemnation," Gottlieb noted. "This shows what hypocrites they are, and what a hypocrite Joe Biden is."

According to CBS News, "Hunter Biden's plea will include an acknowledgement that drug use was a contributing factor in his gun crime." Under the terms of this diversionary program, Biden must remain drug-free for two years and not commit any other crimes. If he successfully completes the program, the gun charge will be dismissed. .....


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