Speaker Mike Johnson Passes First
Difficult Test on Second Amendment

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson

By Dean Weingarten. Nov 1, 2023

New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, (R) has passed his first Second Amendment test. He immediately and forcefully stated a mass murder does not override the Constitution, and contrary to Democratic policy, emotion should not be used to enact laws which would never be acceptable in a quiet and reasoned debate. The statement was made on an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox. The quote starts at 41 seconds in on the Youtube video. Link to Interview with Speaker Mike Thompson with Hannity on Fox:

For those who prefer text, here is the quote, from Mediaite.com:

"The end of the day, the problem is the human heart," Johnson replied. "It's not guns, it's not the weapons. At the end of the day, we have to protect the right of the citizens to protect themselves and that's the Second Amendment. And that's why our party stands so strongly for that."

He added, "This is not the time to be talking about legislation. We're in the middle of that crisis right now."

Just after a mass murder is committed with a firearm, is when politicians are most vulnerable to manipulation by pressure from the old dominant media. .....


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