Observations of a Goy



by Eb Wilkinson, JPFO Life Member.

(So if you think we've got it bad ... Read this first-hand encounter
between a JPFO Life Member and African Gun Control.)

We all hear stories about gun control in other countries. Occasionally at JPFO, we receive letters about such from our members. The below was particularly poignant, so we asked the author's permission to share it with you.
-- The Liberty Crew


Letter to the editor.

I recently returned from a hunting safari in Zambia and made several observations. Zambia requires everyone entering the country to declare their firearms and have them inspected to ensure that the firearms meet the Zambian laws. First of all, one cannot import any military firearms, or firearms that may look like military firearms. This means no AR's or variants. This means no firearms with a detachable magazine. This also means no ammunition marked 7.62. You can bring in .308 ammunition without a problem.

You are however limited to 100 rounds per firearm, and 200 rounds in total. You cannot bring in two firearms of the same caliber.

Something else I discovered is that Zambia is even more restrictive for their citizens. They are limited to three rifles, one shotgun, and one handgun. These are logged into a firearms book the government keeps track of. This is also the book that ammunition purchases are logged into. Citizens are limited to purchasing no more than 150 rounds of ammo per year, and cannot be in possession of more than 50 rounds at any time. It is illegal to reload ammunition or be in possession of reloading equipment.

The right to own a gun is not provided for under Zambian law, and gun owners must re-apply and re-qualify for their firearm license every 3 years.

I bring this up, because as Americans, we have the right to keep and bear arms acknowledged in the Constitution. This is a right to not take lightly. As Americans we need to be constantly vigilant and protect our rights.

When I was commissioned as an Officer in the United States Marine Corps I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Congress takes a similar oath that was enacted in 1884. It states:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me G-d.

I submit to you that the majority of Congress does not follow their oath of office, and in fact, deliberately work around that same oath.

This upcoming election is too important for any of us to sit on the sidelines and not vote. So please, vote. Vote for freedom. Vote for liberty. Vote to keep all enemies, foreign and domestic, from taking away the very rights that G-d has granted us. Do not let us end up like Zambia.

Editor's comment: It is interesting to note the similarity here with UK "gun control", where registration had been vital for confiscation of handguns in 1997. Furthermore, the UK also had a requirement to only purchase ammunition in controlled and logged quantities, plus, having to re-apply for the "Firearms Certificate" and having to prove 'good reason'. Semi-automatic rifles had been banned some years earlier.

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