JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959August 11, 1999 A Triumph for Gun Control in Los Angeles
Yesterday, August 10th, a madman, Buford O. Furrow, entered a Jewish community center in a quiet suburban neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley, 20 miles north of downtown Los Angeles. He fired between 60 and 70 rounds into a room filled with children attending day care activities, wounding three children, a teenage girl, and a 68-year-old woman. Fortunately, none of the wounds were fatal.
Within one hour of this attack, Los Angeles police combing the city for him all the while, Furrow shot and killed a U.S. postal courier on a street in nearby Chatsworth. Furrow eluded police all day yesterday and last night. Los Angeles Police Dept. officials confirm that heavily armed officers from the San Fernando Valley’s Devonshire Division were on the scene at the North Hills Jewish Community Center within minutes of this terrorist attack. This morning, Furrow calmly walked into a FBI field office in Las Vegas, Nevada, 285 miles distant from his shooting spree, and surrendered. He traveled to Las Vegas by taxi. "You’re looking for me." "I’m the one who killed those kids", he reportedly stated to the FBI agents.
Buford Furrow has also reportedly stated that his murderous rampage was based on his hatred for Jews. He is an avowed racist, with ties to Aryan Nation and The Order, the same neo-Nazi group that took responsibility for the 1983 murder of Jewish talk show host Alan Berg. Furrow was released on May 21st of this year from a Seattle jail where was serving a sentence for felony assault with a deadly weapon. He served only five months for a felony conviction.
As was to be expected, the Gun Control propaganda mill was quick to snatch the media microphone and sing another aria from "We Told You So".
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has long held that there is a vast difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is curable. Stupidity is not.
Americans have been warned. But have Americans learned? Exactly what will it take?
The recent shooting that claimed nine lives in Atlanta, Georgia, demonstrated that even with "shall issue" laws in place too many people are reticent to exercise their right to self defense due to cultural mores that discourage "civilized people" from arming themselves. ( One armed person present in that Atlanta office would have had the potential to save human lives. Like the slaughtering of beef for food, the American public chooses to delegate the dirty work to someone else. The police are the "someone else", and they have no legal responsibility to protect anyone. (
While California’s state constitution has a provision for the issuance of concealed weapons carry permits, it is the long standing position of the Los Angeles Police and Sheriff Department that no permits are ever issued.
In a prepared statement this morning by Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan, his honor reiterated that no act of hatred would be allowed to alter the lifestyles of Los Angelenos. There will not be a policeman on every corner or at the entrance of every public building. The mayor of the second largest city in the United States has publicly stated what we’ve known all along. We were, are, and will continue to be victims. If anyone attempts to arm him or herself, he or she will be in violation of the law and tried as a criminal. This is nothing short of forced victimhood. The American government maintains a military presence in politically troubled parts of the world just in case a potential aggressor makes a threatening move. But a private American citizen is denied the right to defend one’s own life! Our currency announces, "In God We Trust". Is the reference to the same God that says in the Bible that human life is precious and must be preserved even at the cost of taking another’s life? (Exodus 22:1 [Exodus 22:2 in Christian Bibles]) If the mayor of Los Angeles will neither provide constant protection to each citizen nor allow citizens to protect themselves, then God, Himself, is all that’s left to trust. And God has entrusted us with our own preservation! A layman rendering of Exodus 22:1 [22:2] would read, "When you are threatened with deadly force, don’t look to Me." "You have been commanded to take whatever measures are necessary to ensure your own survival." In short, at the moment your assailant is standing before you to take your life is one hell of a time to pray.
The world is, sadly, overpopulated with psychotics like Buford O’Neal Furrow. Like a virus that cannot be eradicated, another Furrow could appear at any time, day or night. But, Americans have always had the cure. The whims of capricious legislators living inside their gated communities, police chiefs, sheriffs, and sheep-like people prevent its use.
It is a national disgrace that our laws and cultural stupidity allow the Buford Furrows to circulate like unchecked viruses while potential victims are denied the only known disease prevention that is easily carried in a waistband or handbag.
Americans can no longer plead ignorance.
Rabbi R. Mermelstein
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