JPFO Alerts


Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027

Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959

August 24, 2000

Next Generation Is Anti-Self Defense? Time is Short!

The headline: "Study Finds High School Students Support Gun Regulation."

Source: The Associated Press, August 21, 2000.

The recent Zogby poll reported these findings:

These poll results and headlines should motivate us powerfully. We must get educational countermeasures into the hands of students -- as soon as possible.

Your fastest, cheapest, easiest way to help the kids: Back to School with Gran'pa Jack.

You know a teenager: child, grandchild, nephew/niece, godchild, scout troop member.

All you have to do: hand one or several Gran'pa Jack booklets to the teen.

Bashful? Mail the booklets in an unmarked envelope.

But get that information into teens' hands immediately. One booklet can be circulated in a high school quickly. Ten booklets even more quickly. Almost like an "underground" newspaper, teens will exchange the copies to friends.

We must slow and reverse the victim disarmament trends in our younger generation. Otherwise, they will literally vote the American legal right to keep and bear arms right out of existence.

This year's graduating high school seniors will be able to destroy your Second Amendment rights -- by voting in the elections in 2000 or 2002. This Zogby poll shows that these teens, especially the young women, need to learn about the benefits of firearms ownership. And fast.

Click on to see all the Gran'pa Jack booklets. Check out the subjects: Gun Control Kills Kids, Common Sense (Bill of Rights), Gun Control is Racist, Will Gun Control Make You Safer?

Pick one title, or mix and match, or buy a bundle. Back to School with Gran'pa Jack. Perfect timing.

Please don't wait. You are positioned to help change the future. JPFO alone cannot seed these freedom ideas into high schools and colleges across America -- it just isn't physically or financially possible -- but you can.

The next generation will destroy our rights tomorrow -- unless we educate them properly now. Nobody else will do it. Act today.

The Liberty Crew

Learn more about the Zogby Poll:

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