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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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November 2, 2001 NBC to Air the Story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
While the media and TV networks have seldom gotten anything right when it comes to reporting on firearms ownership and self defense, NBC is going to air "Uprising", the history of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising,
Sunday, November 4th and Monday, November 5th. This epic true story of armed resistance and self defense in the face of overwhelming odds by Eastern European Jews against the Nazis is a textbook illustration of armed self defense. A mere 758 poorly armed and trained Jews held off the vastly superior Nazi troops for nearly a month.
Before watching the two night miniseries, read
The NBC Television Network is rabidly anti-gun. It has assisted in the attack on Second Amendment rights. Its editorial policies portray firearms in a negative manner in an attempt to generate public support for restrictions on firearms ownership. NBC has also refused paid pro Second Amendment advertisements.
The uprising took place 60 years ago. That makes it safe ground with no modern relevancy?
We think not!
The Liberty Crew
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