JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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June 21, 2003 Reaching Hearts and Changing Minds With the Power of Music
My name is Dan Starr and I'm the songwriter and producer of the JPFO CD "I Will Live Free," an entire CD of songs celebrating and explaining The Bill of Rights, our precious national treasure. Many of you already own this CD. Those who do not should order it from JPFO, not just because it's good music (well, of course, I think so!) but because of what it can do for the cause of freedom.
You see, the purpose of the CD was never to simply inspire those of us who already understand, appreciate, and love the freedoms protected our Bill of Rights. That's because there exists a large number of Americans who don't. It's sometimes a matter of ignorance and sometimes something much worse, but in either case, their lack of appreciation wears at the freedoms the rest of hold so dear.
"I Will Live Free" is a proven way to do something effective to educate and enlighten these folks, our fellow citizens.
Let me relate a personal example. A few months after the CD had been released, a friend related to me that the CD's cover (a Minuteman holding a modern weapon) plus the song "The Guardian" (sung from the point of view of a Minuteman and explaining how The Second Amendment guards the entire Bill of Rights and thus our way of life) had changed the mind of a longtime gun hater - his own mother! He was surprised no end, since he had been raised "gun-free," not even allowed to play with toy guns.
I contacted and met his mother. She confirmed her change of mind. She had experienced a complete reversal of her ideas and had actually begun to explain these new ideas to others. She even related her frustrations in discussing it with friends, frustrations we in the freedom community are all too familiar with.
Score one for our side.
Admittedly that's only a single individual. However, it demonstrates how powerful an idea becomes when it is "shot" from the barrel of music. People have known this for centuries. Consider your favorite patriotic song and consider how much less effective it would be if the words were merely recited instead of sung and appropriately accompanied.
"I Will Live Free" uses a basic principle in the culture wars: capture the heart first before trying to change the mind.
Thus, we come to the purpose of this alert. July 4th, our Independence Day, will soon be here. I am asking you to take your copy of "I Will Live Free" and put it to the use it was designed for, reaching hearts and changing minds. Specifically, please do as many of the following as you can and are willing:
1. Get the CD in the hands of sympathetic folks in local radio stations who will agree to play some or all of the songs on July 4th. Key songs would be "A Time of Kings" "What is Freedom/ Freedom's War" and "The Best."
2. Get the CD played to crowds at events and parties. If nothing else, let it play on your car or home CD player as you enjoy the fireworks.
3. Get the CD into the hands of reviewers in the local media who can write a review published on July 4th. After all, with the recent stink concerning antiwar musicians and entertainers, this is a hot topic and news worthy.
Make sure to include all the contact information so people can get their own copy of the CD or contact JPFO or myself. I am available for interviews as well.
You can, and certainly will, think of many other uses for "I Will Live Free." It would help a great deal if you would share your good ideas with everyone. Email contact information is below.
JPFO will help you in whatever way possible. Contact them.
Please, this year is special. Americans are much more awake and aware of issues of liberty than at any time I can recall. Let's keep the push going by using an effective tool "I Will Live Free."
If you don't already have a copy, order information is at:
(along with some musical excerpts).
Contact Dan Starr:
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