Is the NRA just another "gun control" group? Alan Korwin,
author of _Gun Laws of America_, seems to think so. In his
article, "Many NRA Members 'Confused' by Proposed Gun Bill"
), Korwin takes the NRA to task for "[allying] itself with the
most ardent anti-gun-rights forces in the House to quickly push through
a bill that would massively increase the NICS Index..."
The Virginia Gun Owners Coalition is also upset with the NRA's part
in this bill. Their website,
, has several articles on what they call the NRA's "backroom
deal making". Naturally, NRA apologists have gone on the attack,
calling principled Second Amendment absolutists "pro-gun wackos"
in an email that's been making its way across the internet.
This verifies what JPFO has been saying all along. You can read our
NRA letter at
to see how we respond to what we believe is nothing less than a sellout
on the NRA's part.
We alerted you yesterday to our new Uncle Sam handbill (
), in which Uncle Sam says "True Americans Don't Tolerate 'Gun
Control'". What we'd like to know is, are there any True Americans
in the NRA leadership anymore?
- The Liberty Crew