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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  • March 24, 2021  •  Contact: Floyd Neeland

••• CNN's Wolf Blitzer In Error—Mass-Media Drumbeat Misleading:


• Only qualified adult U.S. citizens may vote in U.S. elections
• People must prove their identity to cast a valid ballot
• Ballots without guaranteed validity must not count

NOTE: Voting rights and gun rights are co-equal civil and human rights

CNN news anchor Wolf Blitzer is leading a charge voiced by mass media nationwide, saying repeatedly, "We want as many people as possible to vote." (–Wolf Blitzer, CNN 3/15/21). He echoes a seductive left-wing deception, which dies horribly if you substitute a different basic right, "We want as many people as possible to have a gun" —

We want as many adult U.S. citizens, who are legally entitled to vote—or bear arms.
"As many people as possible" is a destructive falsehood, a Democrat's talking point that undermines our Republic, and could destroy true democracy. Should we add... educated, to voting and guns? Half the country believes, with evidence and reasonable suspicion, that many people cast ballots that cannot be legally cast. Cases of voting fraud have been repeatedly discovered in the courts, which critics say is the tip of the iceberg.

No one corrected Blitzer. His deception spread to the world unbalanced, uncorrected, prejudicial. Only proven citizens can vote. Broadcasters often make statements like this, or worse, without correction. This abuses the public trust. The scrutiny we demand for the right to arms should parallel what we require of proper upstanding citizens to vote.

Wolf's abuse should jeopardize CNN's license. With Democrats' cancel-culture warriors actively admitting non-citizens into the country, without ports of entry or even court dates, concerns exist about the integrity of the electorate, let alone the voting process. Leftists may charge suppression, but that's distinct and apart from deleting fraudsters. In excess of 1.8 million "ghost" voters were found in 353 counties across 29 states, in the recent Judicial Watch study. Fulton County, Ga., had a registration rate of 109%, exceeding eligible residents. Similar problems were found in Penn., Nev., Mich., and elsewhere. Former mayor Pete Buttigieg is under investigation for issuing "community ID" cards to illegal aliens that could pass for ID to register for voting. Pete—people legally registered to vote can legally keep and bear arms. Are you OK with that?


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“Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, http://www.jpfo.org is America’s most aggressive civil-rights organization, dedicated to destroying the notion of 'gun control' as any kind of credible public-policy position. So-called 'gun control' does not control guns and doesn’t control criminal behavior. What it does is disarm the innocent, leaving them helpless in the face of criminals, tyrannical governments and genocide. History repeatedly proves this fact. Founded in 1989 by Aaron Zelman as a response to the Holocaust, JPFO speaks with the moral authority and tenacious commitment of survivors of persecution, and knows that surrendering your personal and family safety to government protection courts disaster. You don’t have to be Jewish to fight by our side, you just have to love liberty.”