12500 N.E. Tenth Place • Bellevue, WA 98005 • JPFO.org • 800-869-1884 • info@jpfo.org
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE • March 30, 2021 • Contact: Floyd Neeland
Democrats' Bills HR8 and HR1446 Threaten Freedom
So-called "gun control" isn't crime control
Usual scheme to use maniacs to induce disarming public is perverse
Ignoring ban on infringement should be grounds for removal from office
The JPFO Gun Confiscation Clock has moved two minutes closer to midnight, as Democrats vote on a pair of bills that attack citizens but ignore criminals. At nine minutes to midnight, rights Americans have always had and enjoyed are rapidly shrinking, with confiscations planned and written into bills waiting in the wings.
"Democrats and the hard-core leftists pushing them have no understanding or respect for the Constitution and its safeguard limits on legislative actions," said Alan Gottlieb, CEO and Board Chairman of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, jpfo.org. "They act as if they are under no constraint, and with the power they now wield, they pose a direct threat to our Republic and way of life," he said.
"Forcing decent Americans to wait for increasingly long times to purchase legal property will not affect armed criminals, who are the real problem," added Alan Korwin, a widely published author and consultant to JPFO. "Criminals remain armed and are ignored by these bills, while regular people are infringed, making matters worse," he observed. First-time criminals looking to get arms at retail will be forced to shop elsewhere—the black market—which they do already. Armed criminals are ignored by these illegal federal infringements. JPFO believes if any action is needed it should encourage finding and removing hardened armed criminals from society, not more paperwork for the bureaucracy.
“Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, http://www.jpfo.org is America’s most aggressive civil-rights organization, dedicated to destroying the notion of 'gun control' as any kind of credible public-policy position. So-called 'gun control' does not control guns and doesn’t control criminal behavior. What it does is disarm the innocent, leaving them helpless in the face of criminals, tyrannical governments and genocide. History repeatedly proves this fact. Founded in 1989 by Aaron Zelman as a response to the Holocaust, JPFO speaks with the moral authority and tenacious commitment of survivors of persecution, and knows that surrendering your personal and family safety to government protection courts disaster. You don’t have to be Jewish to fight by our side, you just have to love liberty.”
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