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December 31st 2015 Seven Gun Controls Hillary Clinton Proposed At NH Town Hall
December 30th 2015 CA - Police May Confiscate Guns without Notice to Owner Starting January 1
December 29th 2015 VA GOP May Strip McAuliffe Of His Protective Detail Over CCW
December 28th 2015 Rockland landlord asks court to throw out tenant's gun rights lawsuit
December 24th 2015 Virginia AG Unilaterally Scrubs CCW Reciprocity with 25 States
December 23rd 2015 'Smart Guns' - Yet Again
December 22nd 2015 School District Approves Armed Teachers, Provides the Handguns
December 21st 2015 "Run, Hide, Tell" - Recipe for Slaughter?
December 18th 2015 More gun laws won't work; gun opponents want confiscation
December 17th 2015 Gun Laws We Follow and Gun Laws We Ignore
December 15th 2015 More Guns, Less Tyranny
December 14th 2015 Celebrate Bill of Rights Day, Dec 15th
December 11th 2015 New Republic: "It's Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them"
December 9th 2015 JPFO Welcomes Your Support
December 8th 2015 Paranoid? It would appear so
December 7th 2015 Facts shoot holes in Obama's claim that US is only mass killings host
December 4th 2015 Ulster Sheriff urges citizens to carry firearms
December 2nd 2015 OMG! Guns in Ohio Day Care Centers! OMG!
December 1st 2015 2703 Shootings, 440 Deaths Year-To-Date In Heavily Gun-Controlled Chicago
November 30th 2015 Obama Signs NDAA Bill To Allow Sale of Surplus 1911 Pistols to Public
November 27th 2015 114 House Democrats Urge Obama to Sidestep Congress for Gun Control
November 25th 2015 Maher: Wouldn't Being Armed at Least Give Citizens a Chance?
November 23rd 2015 Belgian Jews repudiate call for gun ownership
November 20th 2015 GQ Editor Confuses Fireworks For Mass Shooting, Goes On Anti-NRA Rant
November 19th 2015 Terrorism Is The Excuse for Infringement
November 18th 2015 Hillary Clinton's Gun Control Claims 'Unsupported on All Counts'
November 16th 2015 Liberals Push Gun Control - Ignorant Rhetoric Following Paris Attacks
November 13th 2015 Burundi Grabbing Guns as a Prelude to Genocide
November 12th 2015 Maryland scraps gun "fingerprint" database after 15 failed years
November 10th 2015 Atlanta Mayor, Police Chief, Sitting on 10,000 Confiscated Guns in Defiance of State Sellback Law
November 9th 2015 Congressional Gun Control Hypocrisy Shines On Capitol Hill
November 6th 2015 Moms Demand Action: Teaching Gun Safety to Children is "Atrocious"
November 5th 2015 When Seconds Really Do Count
November 4th 2015 Actress Julianne Moore: Gun Control a Seat-Belt Law for Gun Owners
November 2nd 2015 One simple picture highlights the stupidity of magazine restrictions
October 30th 2015 Obama's claim that 40 percent of gun sales lack background checks
October 29th 2015 Second Amendment rights defended by Jewish-Americans
October 28th 2015 Good Guys Packing Send Bad Guys Packing
October 27th 2015 Clinton Continues Pushing Gun Control Talking Point, Debunked by NPR
October 26th 2015 Everytown for Gun Safety Spent $36m on Gun Control Lobbying in 2013
October 25th 2015 Wisconsin Democrats to Punish Concealed Carry on Campus
October 23rd 2015 "Enhanced Carry" Bill Making Waves in Michigan
October 22nd 2015 Italian mayor announces fund that will give anyone 250 euros towards the cost of a GUN
October 21st 2015 More, or less safe, with broad concealed carry?
October 20th 2015 (This item has been removed)
October 19th 2015 Hillary Clinton: Gun Confiscation Would Be Like A Government 'Cash For Clunkers'
October 18th 2015 CA Lt. Gov Wants Ammo Purchase Background Checks
October 16th 2015 The "Gun Control" Farce
October 15th 2015 America Will Never Embrace Gun Control Under Barack Obama
October 14th 2015 Guns 'n' Moses: Why more Jews are packing heat
October 13th 2015 Gun Control: Ben Carson vs. Liberal Illusions
October 12th 2015 It's the Steel: Bill Whittle's Solution to Gun Control
October 11th 2015 Media Prefers Schoolchildren Helpless and Dead
October 9th 2015 Hillary Clinton and your right to self-defense
October 8th 2015 Reid starts new gun-control push
October 7th 2015 Obama decides to pursue Chicago murderers
October 6th 2015 Obama Goes Beyond Mere Gun Control, Hints at Confiscation
October 5th 2015 Method for Stopping Shooting Rampages Emerges
October 4th 2015 Pope Francis and the Umpqua Community College shooting
October 2nd 2015 Question of the Day: Who Cares How the Oregon Shooter Got His Gun?
October 1st 2015 A Gun Owner's Take on Embattled Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis
September 30th 2015 Cuomo Tells Dems to Shut Down Government Until They Get Gun Control
September 29th 2015 AWR Hawkins Recognized as 'Journalist of the Year' by National Gun Rights Conference
September 28th 2015 An invasive "gun survey"
September 27th 2015 Group Claims Armed Citizens Have Killed More Americans than All Wars Combined
September 25th 2015 Pope Scolds Congress for Gun and Weapons Sales
September 24th 2015 Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law
September 23rd 2015 NH Gun Control Advocate: Cars Good, Guns Bad
September 22nd 2015 "O'Malley's Gun Control Agenda Treats 2A Like Privilege," Says CCRKBA
September 21st 2015 Sylvester Stallone is a gun-toting hypocrite
September 20th 2015 Donald Trump - 'Concealed Carry a Right, Not a Privilege'
September 18th 2015 Schoolteachers in Oklahoma Undergo Concealed Carry Training
September 17th 2015 Elementary School Teaching Children to Throw Books at Classroom Gunmen
September 16th 2015 Who Aren’t the Murderers?
September 15th 2015 Fatal Firearm Accidents vs Private Gun Ownership 1965 - 2013
September 14th 2015 Jessica Chastain's Gun Control Thriller Picked up for Distribution
September 13th 2015 'Right-wing Jews' to blame for Charleston shooting, says historian
September 11th 2015 Proposed Law Would Force Parents to Disclose Gun Ownership to School District
September 10th 2015 Jewish Opposition To Guns Is Suicidal
September 9th 2015 This Is What Happens to A Disarmed Populace: UK Looks to Ban More Guns
September 8th 2015 Renewed calls for gun control laws spur sales
September 7th 2015 The Natural Right of Self Defense
September 6th 2015 BUT WE NEED MORE GUN LAWS? Judge Gives Strawman Seller Probation
September 4th 2015 Criminals Don't Use the "Gun Show Loophole" to Get Their Guns
September 3rd 2015 Grief and 'Gun Control'
September 2nd 2015 Gun control groups accused of 'swatting' open-carry permit holders, putting lives at risk
August 31st 2015 Slain Reporter's Father Pushing Gun Control That Wouldn't Have Saved His Daughter
August 30th 2015 The Bible, Guns, and Self-Defense
August 28th 2015 This is what happens in a country that has severe gun control
August 27th 2015 What Do Background Checks Get You?
August 26th 2015 Gun Control Proponent: Women Too Weak to Carry Guns for Self-Defense
August 25th 2015 The Dangerous "Background Check" Lie
August 24th 2015 NRA instructs Indiana National Guard on firearms
August 23rd 2015 Arm the Army, Part Il
August 21st 2015 Arm the Army, Part I
August 20th 2015 CA Vet Seeks Justice After LAPD Destroys His $700k Gun Collection
August 19th 2015 Evolution in Progress -- Trump on Guns
August 18th 2015 How the British Gun Control Program Precipitated the American Revolution
August 17th 2015 Inaccurate Claim on Police Deaths in States With More Guns
August 16th 2015 Study Shows No Correlation Between Gun Control And Crime Control
August 14th 2015 The Effort To Subarm America (Part II)
August 13th 2015 Should America Subarm its Citizens?
August 12th 2015 United States Crime Rates
August 11th 2015 A Refresher on Rights
August 10th 2015 The GOP's mind-blowing hypocrisy: Americans have the right to bear arms -- not at our debates!
August 9th 2015 Gun-confiscation fears lead to protest in northern Idaho
August 7th 2015 Gun Lies
August 6th 2015 The Right Of The People To Keep and Bear Toy Arms infringed in NY
August 5th 2015 Why is NSSF Trying to Expand List of "Prohibited Persons"
August 4th 2015 What to Do When Your Doctor Asks About Guns
August 3rd 2015 Reince Priebus to Barack Obama: Release the Secret Operation Fast & Furious Documents
July 31st 2015 Gun Rights Advocates Have A Devastating New Argument Against Gun Control
July 29th 2015 Obama's "Greatest Frustration" May Be America's Salvation
July 28th 2015 Chuck Todd To Bernie Sanders: Gun Control Has Failed
July 27th 2015 Richard Dreyfuss: Rewrite Second Amendment So It Applies To Militia Only
July 26th 2015 The Madness That Freedom Faces
July 24th 2015 Lafayette Theater Is a Gun Free Zone, Bans Firearms for Customers with 'Permits'
July 23rd 2015 Murder Rates Fall As Concealed Carry Permits Rise
July 22nd 2015 The Second Amendment Isn't for Playing
July 21st 2015 Judge Jeanine: Chattanooga didn't need to happen
July 20th 2015 Actress Kelly Carlson: Owning a firearm was life changing
July 19th 2015 Obama pushes to extend gun background checks to Social Security
July 17th 2015 The July 2015 Bill of Rights Sentinel
July 16th 2015 California Fights Prison Overcrowding by Giving Gun Thieves a Pass
July 15th 2015 Connecticut Senators Urge Obama to Break the Law
July 14th 2015 'Nothing to debate': Second Amendment, legal gun in my purse saved our lives
July 13th 2015 Chicago Lawsuit: Gun Control A 'Civil Right'
July 10th 2015 Maine Gov. Signs Bill Abolishing Permit Requirement for Concealed Carry
July 9th 2015 The Facts That Gun Grabbers Can't Wrap Their Minds Around
July 8th 2015 Sanders' "Middle" Ground on Guns is in Exact Center of Intolerable
July 7th 2015 High-crime and cop neighborhoods tops in concealed-carry permits
July 6th 2015 Man Allegedly Pulls Gun, Gets Shot By Armed Domino's Pizza Driver
July 3rd 2015 Judge orders Brady Center to pay ammo dealer's legal fees after dismissing lawsuit
July 2nd 2015 Kim Kardashian: 'I'm Not Really A Gun Person,' But We Need More Gun Control
July 1st 2015 If Retired Cops Are Safer With Unlocked Guns, Why Aren't the Rest of Us?
June 30th 2015 Washington DC. City, State, or Federal Government's Playground?
June 28th 2015 Deadly Aesthetics and Anti-gun Addicts
June 26th 2015 Gun-banners are after more than the 2nd Amendment
June 25th 2015 No Lie Was Off Limits to the Late Sarah Brady in Her Quest to Disarm Good Americans
June 24th 2015 Will Pope Francis Disarm His Guards?
June 23rd 2015 Karl Rove: Violence Will Continue Until The Second Amendment is Repealed
June 22nd 2015 Every Mass Shooting Shares One Thing In Common & It's NOT Weapons
June 21st 2015 Puerto Rico Goes Constitutional Carry
June 19th 2015 Obama can’t let Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church Murders go to Waste
June 18th 2015 Circuit Court Issues Stay on Lower Court's D.C. Gun Carry Ruling
June 17th 2015 Christie's Efforts to Distance Himself from Gun Ban Zealots Comically Transparent
June 16th 2015 Gabby Giffords: GOP Opposition to Backdoor Gun Control Makes Communities 'Dangerous'
June 15th 2015 Wisconsin to end waiting period for handgun sales
June 14th 2015 Nullification 1, Brady Campaign 0: Judge Dismisses Suit Against Kansas SAPA
June 12th 2015 Remote Idaho school buys guns to enhance safety
June 11th 2015 Arms maker to sell 6,134 guns a day to benefit NRA
June 10th 2015 Gun Owners Cannot Count on Courts to Right "Gun Control" Wrongs
June 9th 2015 Gun Control Supporters Are Losing the Culture War, And Can Never Acknowledge Why
June 8th 2015 Gun blogs, videos, web forums threatened by new Obama regulation
June 7th 2015 Vets told they can 'buy back' 2nd Amendment rights
June 5th 2015 Vince Vaughn Supports Guns In Schools, As Do A Majority Of Americans
June 4th 2015 Texas Senate Passes Watered Down Campus Carry Bill
June 3nd 2015 Few Details on Impending Obama Administration Gun Rules, But We Know They're Wrong
June 2nd 2015 House Democrat Backed By Insurance Companies Pushes Mandatory Gun Insurance
June 1st 2015 Administration preps new gun regulations
May 31st 2015 HBO, MTV, And A Host Of Celebrities To Join Bloomberg For Anti-Gun Event
May 29th 2015 Concealed Carry Permit Applications Surge amid Growing Unrest
May 28th 2015 Saving the Fourth
May 27th 2015 Discretionary Concealed Carry Permit Systems Value Money Over Lives
May 26th 2015 Smart Gun Company Touted By Democrats Files Chapter 11-Style Restructuring
May 24th 2015 Man Holds Carjacker at Gunpoint Until Cops Arrive
May 22nd 2015 Hurricane Season's Coming, Floridians Grab Your Guns
May 21st 2015 Judge stops DC from enforcing part of 'good reason' gun law
May 20th 2015 No More Combat Gear 'gifts' for L.E.
May 19th 2015 Media Firearms Failures that Will Give You Fits
May 18th 2015 Dem Rep Wins 'Top Gun' In Shooting Competition, Calls For More Gun Control
May 17th 2015 Federal Appeals Court to Police Officer: No, You Can't Slap Cuffs on Peaceful Gun Owners
May 15th 2015 Giffords/Kelly: Background Checks Not Enough, Oregon Needs More Gun Control
May 14th 2015 Psychiatric drugs -- more dangers than benefits
May 13th 2015 Gun Bans No Longer Enough; Now They Want to Ban Gun Information
May 12th 2015 The 10 Commandments, Killing, and Murder
May 11th 2015 A Garland Opinion
May 10th 2015 Colt Teeters on the Edge of Bankruptcy
May 8th 2015 The Shtetl Mentality
May 7th 2015 Oregon Gun Control Proposal: Buying, Selling Guns a Privilege, Not a Right
May 6th 2015 Garland, TX and the Right that Defends All Others
May 5th 2015 Defense, From Down Under
May 4th 2015 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, OHCHR
May 3rd 2015 Capitol Police Left Guns in Bathrooms
May 1st 2015 Baltimore Burns for its Gun Control Policies
April 30th 2016 Designer guns: Ridiculously expensive and selling
April 29th 2016 7th Circuit OKs Gun Bans for the Illusion of Safety
April 28th 2016 Oh No!!! Not ANOTHER Article on What Gun To Carry
April 27th 2016 Oops! Media Didn't See That Coming! The New Culture of Self-Defense
April 26th 2016 NSA Gadget Transfer Program Turning Local Cops into Spies
April 24th 2016 The Dick Act and Gun Control
April 23rd 2016 Concealed Permit Holder Stops Attempted Mass Shooting in Chicago
April 22nd 2016 Netanyahu Talks a Good Game About Independence and Self-Defense, But . . .
April 21st 2016 CO Campus Carry: 12 Years, No Mass Shootings, No Crimes by Permit Holders
April 20th 2016 Teenager Allegedly Rapes Homeowner at Gunpoint, Gets Shot and Killed by Neighbor
April 19th 2016 The Atlantic Takes Aim at Concealed Carry
April 17th 2016 Lawmaker Pushes to End Law-Abiding Citizens, Off-Duty Cops Being Armed on Campus
April 16th 2015 The Insidious Semantics of "Gun Control"
April 15th 2015 Congress Conspires with ATF to Expand "Sporting Purposes" Bans
April 14th 2015 FBI Investigates Man Beating
April 13th 2015 Ruger and S&W got a gift from Admin
April 12th 2015 "It's 'Heart-Breaking' That We Haven't Passed More Gun Control"
April 10th 2015 Right to Bear Arms? Gun grabbing sweeping the nation
April 9th 2015 California's Kamala Harris Wants Your Guns-and Your Free Speech Rights
April 8th 2015 Anti-gun Congresswoman Wants Americans to Sell Their Liberty, Children's Futures
April 7th 2015 Zero Tolerance Stretches Further in TN
April 6th 2015 Constitutional Carry for Kansas
April 3rd 2015 An opinion on gun control
April 2nd 2015 Rules for Them, and Different Rules for You If You Have a Gun
April 1st 2015 Columnist's "Modest Proposal" as Offensively Arrogant as Original, and it's Not Satire
March 31st 2015 Concealed Carry Permit Holder Stops Gunman During Attempted Mass Shooting
March 30th 2015 Haters Of Self-Defense Face Unrelenting Defeat Everywhere
March 27th 2015 Former Commander of MD Gun Licensing Explains Why He Was Wrong About Gun Owners
March 25th 2015 "Progressive" Writer Blames "Arsenal Owners" for Blocking Onerous Gun Laws
March 24th 2015 Sheriff Refuses to Enforce Unconstitutional Executive Orders in Arizona County
March 23rd 2015 Gun Control Group Sets up Fake Store, Shames First-Time Buyers
March 21st 2015 The Bill of Rights Sentinel, March 2015
March 20th 2015 Pastor: Need More Gun Control To Address 'Spiritual Implications' Of Gun Violence
March 19th 2015 "Armor-Piercing" Ammo Ban Bill Undermines Argument to Ban "Green Tip" Rounds
March 18th 2015 JPFO objects to Rabbi's proposal on European Jews gun laws
March 17th 2015 JPFO needs your renewal
March 15th 2015 No Comments Allowed Regarding Ammo Ban
March 13th 2015 Instead of Gun Control: More Private Security
March 12th 2015 Obama's huge lie - could his next actions be even worse?
March 11th 2015 Abolishing ATF Might Undermine One of the Best Tools for Hobbling Federal Gun Laws
March 10th 2015 The 2A Causes High Homicide Rates
March 9th 2015 "Grassroots" and "Gunsense". The real Shannon Watts
March 8th 2015 Guns and Crime Prevention
March 5th 2015 Police Have No Duty To Protect The General Public
March 4th 2015 Missouri's New "Strict Scrutiny" of Gun Laws Frees Non-Violent Felon
March 3rd 2015 SAFE Act database unfinished; gun registration to start
March 2nd 2015 JPFO Responds to attempt to ban certain ammunition
March 1st 2015 Three Sneaky Ways Your Gun Rights Were Attacked
February 27th 2015 Lawyers for Lawlessness, Doctors for Death
February 25th 2015 Is Federal Express the Newest Enemy of Privately Manufactured Firearms?
February 24th 2015 Britain Is Getting More Dangerous. So Give Us Our Guns Back
February 22nd 2015 A Florida Gun Rights Case Update
February 20th 2015 Cartoon demonization of gun owners recalls an earlier target
February 18th 2015 Proposed Ammo Ban is Illegal Attack on Americans' Rights
February 17th 2015 Man, 72, faces 'life sentence' for unloaded, antique gun
February 16th 2015 BATFE To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo
February 15th 2015 An Informed, Free People Cannot be Enslaved from Within
February 13th 2015 Preaching to the Choir
February 12th 2015 CCRKBA Wins SAF-Funded Case On Interstate Handgun Transfer Ban
February 11th 2015 Bloomberg States His "No Guns for Negroes" Policy in Most Blatant Terms Yet
February 10th 2015 Lawyer to Lawyer Podcast
February 9th 2015 Gun Rights Haters Try To Learn About Guns
February 8th 2015 Bloomberg Suggests Banning Young Minority Males from Gun Ownership
February 6th 2015 The Antis' Deceipt: Gun-Grabbers Keep Pushing Deception Masked as Settled Truth
February 4th 2015 Sandy Hook Advisory Commission Not Done Adding New Infringements to List
February 3rd 2015 Washington smart gun push ignores key issues
February 2nd 2015 Bloomberg Banking On The 'Stupidity' Of Gun Owners
January 31st 2015 Interstate Gun Trafficking Mythology
January 30th 2015 'One Percenters' may find escape leads to trap of their own making
January 29th 2015 JPFO - A Brief History
January 28th 2015 Backlash Against "American Sniper" Illustrates More Than Hostility to U.S. Troops
January 27th 2015 Number One With a Bullet
January 26th 2015 Judge alleges 'fraud on the court' by government attorneys in Dobyns case
January 24th 2015 Jews And Guns
January 23rd 2015 Gumbel hatred for 'pig' gun owners not uncommon for establishment sports media
January 22nd 2015 Why Gun Owners Are Right to Fight Against Gun Control
January 21st 2015 Sandy Hook Commission Shows Why Gun Registration Requirements Must be Defied
January 19th 2015 Preaching to the Choir
January 18th 2015 From Neighborhood Cops to Robocops: The Changing Face of American Police
January 16th 2015 Je Suis Humain
January 15th 2015 'Weaponized' canned food
January 14th 2015 Charlie Hebdo helped by 'gun control'
January 12th 2015 BATFE Flouts The Constitution
January 11th 2015 France Considers Army to Protect Jewish Sites - European Jews Seek Gun Permits
January 9th 2015 Are you a JPFO force multiplier?
January 7th 2015 New ATF Ruling on Privately Made Guns Defies Constitution, Logic, and English
January 6th 2015 Guns Confiscated after Man Seeks Insomnia Treatment
January 5th 2015 Wendy Davis Admits She Was Faking Support for Gun Rights to Get Votes
January 4th 2015 Moms Demand Action Campaign Of Lies Targets Alan Jackson And Jeff Foxworthy
January 2nd 2015 A New York State of Mind
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