April 25th 2014
FBI search for domestic menace
fails to account for own threat

It's hardly eyebrow-raising to read reports that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is systematically visiting gun shops in the hopes of identifying customers "talking about big government."
How could one not talk about big government?
But with a resurrected media interest in parroting the "domestic terrorists" meme, courtesy of Harry Reid's self-serving slander of Bundy Ranch supporters, it's no wonder the feds keep returning to that playbook ....... --> 

Book Offer -- "Gun Control in the Third Reich",
an explosive new book by Stephen Halbrook..
Back by popular demand is the JPFO window sticker - 3½ x 3½ in size and the adhesive is placed such that adhesion can be to the inside of glass, thus keeping it out of the elements. It is now available from the JPFO Store - get yours today.

Refer to the "Sandy Hook Index" for an archive collection of valuable material accrued during the months following the events at the Newtown Elementary School.

Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"

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