July 8th 2014
A Walk On The Dark Side
Sally had worked much later than she had intended to, and hurried as she crossed the dimly lit lobby to the front. The old security guard shuffled toward her to unlock the door, wishing her a good evening and admonishing her to be careful. She stepped outside and listened to him lock the door behind her, wishing she could have requested an escort to her car a block away. He was too crippled, and couldn't leave his post anyway, but she still wished someone was with her....... --> 
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♦♦ Now at sale price -- "Gun Control Gateway to Tyranny",
THE definitive book that relates the link between the Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 and, the U.S. Gun Control Act of 1968. Now just $14.95 incl S&H..

Book Offer -- "Gun Control in the Third Reich",
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Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"

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