Lessons From The Ancients

By Steve Tarani. Aug 23, 2023
Being well armed and even well practiced is not the full answer to unexpected peril. Centuries-old tactics still apply to the modern man.
What is our modern-day equivalent? After a long day, you decide to stop by the grocery store on your way home. You step out of your car. It's raining. As you walk toward the entrance, you feel something puncture your jacket and touch your skin. The next thing you hear is, "OK Pal, gimme your cash or I'll stick you like a pig." Shock, 21st century style.
"Hell, I'll just reach into my fanny pack and give him a few hollow points to worry about…" you may think after overcoming the initial surprise. But with that knife already in your back, he can step forward and nail your kidneys three times while you're busy fidgeting with your zipper.
Being caught in a knife fight and not having the time to access your concealed firearm is a street-scenario nightmare. Though you may carry a handgun and be highly skilled — able to engage a target under extreme pressure, from concealed carry, in under 2 seconds — the attacker can slash you, hack you, or run straight through your middle long before you can bring your muzzle to bear.
Fortunately, there are a couple of aces you can keep up your sleeve if you ever find yourself caught between a blade and a hard place.

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